An action packed two day conference where you can mingle with like minded business owners and hear from the best experts in the industry. Take the time right now and make the decision to join us in Sydney on 24th and 25th March 2022 to participate in what will be the pinnacle event for building businesses in Australia.
This year we are pleased to announce that the key note speaker and trainer for our National Conference will be Martin West from XGAP.
Martin is a facilitator to leadership teams and executive coach. For 17 years Martin has worked with clients across many industries in the US, Asia & Australia with a specific focus on building healthy successful teams. Martin’s passion is to facilitate conversations with client CEO’s and teams to help identify and overcome roadblocks impacting performance or team cohesion.
If you want to start the journey to a more rewarding business that allows you to achieve financial freedom and implement business systems that work please join us this year. For builders needing CPD points, attendance at this event achieves the 12 points per annum requirement.
The conference venue is easy to get to from most locations in Australia as it's walking distance from the Sydney domestic airport terminal and you won't need to leave the venue for the whole event.
So you'll not only learn how to improve the performance of your business but you'll also learn the latest in product innovations and applications from the leading suppliers in the industry. Best of all you'll hear it all in a room full of business owners that care about where their business is going and you can catch the momentum.
So if you're tired of chasing your tail in the building game and want to start a journey with lasting and profitable results with a franchise solution come and join us this year for a two day event that will change your approach to your building business for ever.
For more information or to register click here.
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