Some very pleasing results have been achieved from our combined franchisee builders search engine optimisation efforts in Australia over the last two years. This Australian Google Analytics graph shows monthly data dating back to January 2017.
In December 2020 typically a very slow month we had 6461 website visitors to our new homes websites compared with 2812 for December 2019 and 8801 users in January 2021! This is a 130% increase and shows our builders training programs are having the right effect.
What’s most important however is that the increased traffic to our Australian websites is turning into profitable business via building contracts for our home builders and pleasingly that is the exact result. Opportunities to find customers and sales in the building industry in Australia is always improved with a building franchise that delivers decades of building experience and customer service and business systems that work.
Taking into account the uncertainty of Covid from March 2020 we can still see some excellent growth in the number of visitors hitting our site, mostly driven by Organic search engine optimisation and lots of dedication to the cause by our construction franchises.
Becoming a successful home builder is now assisted by our new Knowledge Library article which outlines keywords that every Franchise should concentrate on in the coming months. This article will be updated over time with new keywords.